Roberta Ann Pointer Smith |
Titled Professor |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
1992 |
Steve Snow |
Olympians |
Barcelona, Spain |
1992 |
Jim Spivey |
Olympians |
Barcelona, Spain |
1992 |
Niki Stajkovic |
Olympians |
Barcelona, Spain |
1992 |
Louis C. Stamatakos |
School of Education Distinguished Alumni Award |
1992 |
Allen Caruthers Steere, Jr. |
Honorary Degree |
Fort Wayne, Indiana |
1992 |
Juanita Kidd Stout * |
Distinguished Alumni Service Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
1992 |
Diana Sullivan |
School of Nursing Excellence in Nursing Award |
1992 |
Gregory P. Sutton |
Titled Professor |
1992 |
Michael S. Sutton |
IUAA President's Award |
1992 |
Helen Suzman * |
Honorary Degree |
Bloomington, Indiana |
1992 |
George Taliaferro * |
IUB Athletics Hall of Fame |
1992 |
The Indianapolis Foundation |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
1992 |
Alexander D. Toradze * |
Titled Professor |
South Bend, Indiana |
1992 |
Peter C. Tramm |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
1992 |
Eleanor L. Turk |
Fulbright Award |
Germany |
1992 |
Arthur M. Vivian * |
Chancellor and Provost Medallion |
Richmond, Indiana |
1992 |
Dave Volz |
Olympians |
Barcelona, Spain |
1992 |
Valora Washington |
School of Education Distinguished Alumni Award |
1992 |
W. William Weeks |
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
1992 |
Dewey Welch |
Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion |
1992 |
Bonnie M. Williams |
IUAA President's Award |
1992 |
Edgar G. Williams * |
President's Medal for Excellence |
Bloomington, Indiana |
1992 |
Lois Wise |
Fulbright Award |
Sweden |
1992 |
Richard J. Wood |
Honorary Degree |
Richmond, Indiana |
1992 |