Robert Lubitz |
Bicentennial Medal |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2019 |
Carmen Luca Sugawara |
Fulbright Award |
Croatia |
2019 |
Ellen Lucey |
School of Public Health Anita Aldrich Distinguished Alumni Award |
2019 |
Richard G. Lugar * |
Chancellor and Provost Medallion |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2019 |
Michael R. Luginbill |
Bicentennial Medal |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
Donald S. Lukes |
Bicentennial Medal |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
Don R. Lundberg |
Maurer School of Law Distinguished Service Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
Susan Carney Lynch |
Maurer School of Law Distinguished Service Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
P. A. Mack, Jr. * |
Bicentennial Medal |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
Kenneth P. Mackie |
Distinguished Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
John R. MacLennan |
Bicentennial Medal |
2019 |
Elizabeth Maffetone |
Lieber Memorial Associate Instructor Award |
2019 |
Ellie Mallory |
Bicentennial Medal |
2019 |
Olivia Malone |
Stahr Senior Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
Scott Maple |
Bicentennial Medal |
Kokomo, Indiana |
2019 |
Phil Mark |
IUAA Volunteer Leadership Award |
2019 |
Edwin C. Marshall |
Distinguished Alumni Service Award |
2019 |
Edwin C. Marshall |
Bicentennial Medal |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2019 |
Edwin C. Marshall |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2019 |
Robert E. Martin |
Chancellor and Provost Medallion |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2019 |
Omar Martinez |
School of Public Health David Gallahue Champion Alumni Award |
2019 |
E. Angeles Martínez Mier |
Titled Professor |
2019 |
Terrence Mason |
John W. Ryan Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Programs and Studies |
2019 |
Michael S. Maurer |
Bicentennial Medal |
2019 |
Glen Mays |
Bicentennial Medal |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2019 |