Andrea Hohmann |
National Academies |
2018 |
Richard Horwitz |
The Media School Distinguished Alumni Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Greg Hull |
Titled Professor |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Linda Hunt |
Distinguished Service Medal |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Carol Hutchins |
School of Public Health Anita Aldrich Distinguished Alumni Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
James W. Hutchins |
IUPUI Maynard K. Hine Medal |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Susan Hyatt |
Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award |
2018 |
Indiana Department of Child Services |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Indianapolis Transportation Club |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Roger Innes |
Titled Professor |
2018 |
Christoph Irmscher |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Caroline Chick Jarrold |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Katherine B. Jarvey |
Presidents Circle Laurel Pin |
2018 |
M. Ellen Jay |
Leanne Grotke Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Lacy Johnson |
Presidents Circle Laurel Pin |
2018 |
Lacy Johnson |
Partners in Philanthropy |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Linda Johnson |
School of Optometry Foley House Distinguished Alumni Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Patricia M. Johnson |
Presidents Circle Laurel Pin |
2018 |
Patricia M. Johnson |
Partners in Philanthropy |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Ruth Johnson |
Presidents Circle Laurel Pin |
2018 |
Karen Deery-Jones |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Sabrina Danielle Jones |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Katherine Jordan |
Boren Scholarships and Fellowships |
Tanzania |
2018 |
Daniel Kearns |
National Academies |
2018 |
David M. Kehoe |
National Academies |
2018 |