Lee Williams |
Distinguished International Service Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Deanna Willis |
Titled Professor |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Terry L. Wilson |
School of Dentistry Certificate of Appreciation |
2018 |
Hugh A. Wolf |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Carol Wood |
Chancellor and Provost Medallion |
Gary, Indiana |
2018 |
Savannah M. Wormley |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Emily C. Wren |
Distinguished Service Medal |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2018 |
Paul Wyman |
Chancellor and Provost Medallion |
Kokomo, Indiana |
2018 |
William L. Yarber |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Jerry L. Yeagley |
President's Medal for Excellence |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
Christopher Young |
Sylvia E. Bowman Award |
2018 |
Thomas Yunlong Man |
Maurer School of Law Distinguished Service Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2018 |
David Zaret |
President's Medal for Excellence |
2018 |
Chen Zhu |
Titled Professor |
2018 |
Sheikh Abdul |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2017 |
Chris Albanese |
Titled Professor |
2017 |
Arthur S. Alderson |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Jeremy Linn Allen |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
David B. Allison |
International Academies |
2017 |
David B. Allison |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Vicki Allums |
O'Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs Distinguished Alumni Awards |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Despina Amanatidis Liaskos |
IUAA President's Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Carlos Andradas Heranz |
Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion |
2017 |
Bill Armstrong, Jr. |
Z.G. Clevenger Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
David B. Audretsch |
John W. Ryan Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Programs and Studies |
2017 |