Kathleen Johnston |
The Media School Distinguished Alumni Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Ernest Jones |
IUB Athletics Hall of Fame |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Alice Jordan |
Distinguished Latino Alumni Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Kenneth W. Kaczmarek |
IUB Athletics Hall of Fame |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Paul Kapsalis |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
2017 |
Jeffrey J. Kennedy |
Maurer School of Law Distinguished Service Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Joseph E. Kernan * |
Honorary Degree |
South Bend, Indiana |
2017 |
Steve Keucher |
Distinguished Service Medal |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Dana Khabbaz |
Stahr Senior Award |
2017 |
Sarah Kissel |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2017 |
Kevin Kline |
Tony Award |
2017 |
Kim Kohlmeier |
Z.G. Clevenger Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Jayanth K. Krishnan |
Titled Professor |
2017 |
Patricia Kubow |
Fulbright Award |
Jordan |
2017 |
Julia C. Lamber |
Maurer School of Law Academy of Law Alumni Fellows |
2017 |
Joe Laughlin |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2017 |
John Lechleiter |
President's Medal for Excellence |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2017 |
Shibo Li |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
April Lidinsky |
Frederic Bachman Lieber Memorial Award |
2017 |
Kay Francis Lindsey |
IUAA President's Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Jawshing Arthur Liou |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Karma Lochrie |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Randy Long |
Distinguished Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |
Xiongbin Lu |
Titled Professor |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2017 |
Fred Luddy |
Honorary Degree |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2017 |