Charles J. Dietzen |
School of Medicine Distinguished Alumni Award |
2015 |
Richard D. DiMarchi |
National Academies |
2015 |
Jennifer Drobac |
Titled Professor |
2015 |
Michel du Cille * |
Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion |
2015 |
Alexander Elias |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2015 |
Aldar Escamilla Mijes |
Fulbright IIE |
Japan |
2015 |
Essilor of America |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Matt Ewer |
O'Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs Distinguished Alumni Awards |
2015 |
Abramovich Family |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
2015 |
Jim Farnsworth |
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award |
2015 |
Jamie Farrell |
IUPUI Athletics Hall of Fame |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Curtis A. Ferguson |
Kelley School of Business Academy of Alumni Fellows |
2015 |
Kathryn Flanigan |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2015 |
Amar H. Flood |
Titled Professor |
2015 |
Tatiana Foroud |
Titled Professor |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Sarah Foss |
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad |
Guatemala |
2015 |
Anthony L. (Tony) Foster |
IU East Alumni Hall of Fame |
Richmond, Indiana |
2015 |
Joshua Foster |
Goldwater Scholarship |
2015 |
Ezra H. Friedlander |
Distinguished Alumni Service Award |
2015 |
Pat Gabig |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Karen Gable |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Kari Gade * |
Titled Professor |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2015 |
Kalah Gallapoo |
Fulbright IIE |
Germany |
2015 |
Mike Garber |
IUAA President's Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2015 |
Mark Geraci |
Titled Professor |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |