Judy Wawira Gichoya |
School of Informatics Young Alumni Award |
2015 |
David Giedroc |
Titled Professor |
2015 |
Sarah Beth Goldman |
School of Public Health Mohammad R. Torabi Early Career Outstanding Alumni Award |
2015 |
Gerardo M. Gonzalez |
President's Medal for Excellence |
2015 |
Mara Gonzalez Souto |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2015 |
Rachel Green |
Stahr Senior Award |
2015 |
Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis * |
Bill Orwig Award |
2015 |
Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis * |
LGBTQ+ Distinguished Alumni Award |
2015 |
Shelby Gullion |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2015 |
Jaimee Haan |
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award |
2015 |
Amit Hagar |
Fulbright Award |
Brazil |
2015 |
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, PC |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Nancy L. Hamblin |
IUAA President's Award |
Bloomington, Indiana |
2015 |
Phil Hardwick |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Marie Harf |
College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Young Alumni Award |
2015 |
William Harrington |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Tanya Harris |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Tim Harris |
IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
2015 |
Megan Harsh |
Fulbright IIE |
Mexico |
2015 |
Jonathan Hawkins |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2015 |
Magdalena Herdoiza-Estevez |
John W. Ryan Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Programs and Studies |
2015 |
Patrick Hernandez |
Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award |
2015 |
Randall A. Heron |
Titled Professor |
2015 |
Victoria Hicks |
Stahr Senior Award |
2015 |
Jerry Hinnefeld |
Titled Professor |
2015 |