- Bicentennial Medal - 2019
- IU Foundation President's Medallion - 2003
- Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion - 1994
- Benton Presentation
- Bloomington, Indiana
- Presenter: Thomas Ehrlich
The 99th issue of Indiana Alumni Magazine under the editorship of Judith Schroeder went to press June 30, 2003; it was also the last day at the helm for Schroeder, who is retired from the magazine and as vice president of communications at the IU Alumni Association. During her 16-year tenure, the bimonthly Indiana Alumni doubled both its circulation and advertising revenue, and increased its annual page count from 360 to 480.
In her communications role at IUAA, Schroeder oversaw the development of an entire communications program, including a Web presence, an electronic newsletter and more than 70 separate alumni constituent publications.