- W. George Pinnell Award for Outstanding Service - 1995
- Frederic Bachman Lieber Memorial Award - 1983
Professor Ackerman is trained in the history, religion and literature of ancient Israel within their larger Near Eastern cultural contexts. While at IU, he has developed a special interest in literary analysis of biblical texts. Recent publications include articles on the books of Numbers and Jonah (in the Alter-Kermode Literary Guide to the Bible), 2 Samuel (Journal of Biblical Literature, 1990), and 1 Samuel (Prooftexts, 1991); and a current research project involves a study of the differing earliest versions of Samuel, attempting to trace how a written text gradually evolves into its final form. Professor Ackerman is also writing a monograph on the wilderness narratives in Exodus and Numbers. Though retired, Professor Ackerman continues to teach the Wells Scholars spring semester seminar: "The Book of Genesis and its Reworking in Western Culture."