- National Academies - 2011
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
Jonathan Plucker is the director of the Center for Evaluation and Educational Policy, as well as a professor of educational psychology and cognitive sceince. His interests include giftedness, creativity and educational policy.
Plucker taught briefly in high school and elementary school before returning to work on his Ph.D.
Plucker's research interests include creativity - along with the false notions that surround it -- talent development, and comprehensive school reform. He has published well over 50 publications on these topics. He is especially interested in improving creativity assessment and enhancement, with an emphasis on problem-based learning. He also directs CEEP, a center on the IU campus which promotes and supports program evaluation and education policy research primarily for educational, human services and nonprofit organizations. CEEP takes a dynamic approach to evaluation and education policy research, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including experimental designs.