- E. Ross Bartley Award - 2014
- Bloomington, Indiana
- Presenter: Michael A. McRobbie
For 27 years Bruce Jacobs served Indiana University in various capacities including; executive director of the Indiana Memorial Union, IU Auditorium, Health Engagement Programs, and executive officer of Auxiliary Services and Programs. Bruce was also an adjunct associate professor of higher education and student affairs and master’s program coordinator in the IU School of Education; the same program in which he earned his Doctorate in Education for higher education and student affairs.
A constant presence in the IMU, Bruce guided many students through his role as executive advisor to the Union Board. However, his impact extended beyond the IMU by means of the Student Activities Tower, which housed a range of student organizations found at IU, and his interactions with any student who entered the IMU or crossed his path.
Bruce has a B.S. in political science and an M.S. in education, both from SUNY-Brockport. After obtaining his Master’s he studied at the University of Texas, University of Maryland, and Rutgers University. Professionally he has worked with ACUI, NACAS, and presented for both the ACPA and NASPA. His research works include being a principal researcher and author of the Documenting Effective Educational Practices study for the National Survey of Student Engagement project.
Bruce retired in 2014.