- Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award - 2014
Danielle Vetter graduated from SPEA's Accelerated Master's Program with a Bachelor of Science in Non-Profit Management with a Human Resources minor and concentrations in Public and Organizational Management. She also completed a Master of Public Affairs with concentrations in Non-Profit Management, Policy Analysis, and Social Entrepreneurship. Vetter was active on campus as the Leadership Chair of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and as the Direcot of Engagement for the Student Alumni Association.
Vetter gained professional experience as a Community Engagement intern for KaBOOM! in Washington, D.C. This led to a position as Playful City USA Programming Coordinator with KaBOOM!. Vetter followed this position with an Corporate Responsibility internship with Cummins, Inc, which later resulted in her current position as Corporate Responsibility Program Manager.