- IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award - 2011
Robert Bader is the retired chairman of the Bader Company, a specialty insurance business that he and his wife, Toni, founded in 1985. Following their retirement, the Baders decided to create The Robert & Toni Bader Foundation to share their success with their family and worthy causes. As active members of the Jewish community in Indianapolis as well as other community outreach programs, the Baders created their Foundation for the purpose of donating to other 501(c)(3) organizations to help achieve their goals of improving the world. The Foundation also supports the furthering of Jewish ideals through science, the education, and the arts.
In 2011, Bader was nominated by the IU School of Dentistry to receive an IUPUI Spirit of Philanthropy Award for a generous gift to the Dr. Lawrence I. Goldblatt Global Initiatives Fund.