- IU Foundation President's Medallion - 2012
- Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion - 1994
- Benton Presentation
- Bloomington, Indiana
- Presenter: Thomas Ehrlich
Jim Perin, Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO for the IU Foundation, oversees the financial management and integrity of an organization with more than 200 employees and an annual budget of $30 million. In addition to finance and accounting, he has in his portfolio information technology, administrative services, human resources, and $65 million in real estate. He oversees the audit process as well. In the past four years, IUF's external auditor, Deloitte & Touche, has found no "material weakness or reportable conditions" requiring a management response in the course of its audit. In fact, Deloitte & Touche has stated that it holds IUF up as an example to other organizations, for-profit and not-for-profit alike, of outstanding financial controls and processes.
Before coming to IUF, Mr. Perin worked at IU for almost 30 years in financial management and budgeting. As assistant vice president for finance and university director of the budget, he developed university-wide policies that guided financial activities, oversaw the development of the annual operating budget, and implemented multiple integrated administrative systems. Because of his involvement with both a major public university and the not-for-profit corporation that partners with it, Mr. Perin is experienced in dealing with the complex financial and administrative relationships between universities and foundations.
Mr. Perin is a member of the University and Foundation Financial Officers group, which includes approximately 34 institutions of higher education and which develops a financial policy and procedures on a national level. He received a BA, MBA and JD from Indiana University.