- IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award - 2021
Pam King is the retired director of IUPUI’s Adaptive Educational Services (AES). Throughout her 28-year tenure at IUPUI, Pam has served as a constant advocate for students with disabilities and the advancement of the AES mission at the Indianapolis campus. When Pam started working at AES, she had no student workers and oversaw 160 clients. At the time of her retirement, she managed 23 student workers and delivered services to 1,500+ clients at IUPUI. Pam has traveled throughout the state of Indiana and internationally to consult on inclusive climates and equitable opportunities for individuals with disabilities. In 2007, Pam and Tim Anno were among a team of IUPUI and Indianapolis presenters at an international conference, “Education for All,” which took place in Warsaw, Poland. Pam received the Advocate for Equity in Accessibility Award (2017). The award recognizes IUPUI staff and faculty members who have supported students with disabilities to achieve their dreams of higher education. We are pleased to recognize Pam with a Spirit of Philanthropy Award for her limitless support of students with documented disabilities.