- Fulbright Award - 1996
- Latvia
J. John Penikis is an associate professor emeritus of political science at IU South Bend. He received a B.A. in 1956, a M.S. in 1962, and a Ph.D. in 1974 all from the University of Wisconsin (Madison). In 1970, he joined IU South Bend's faculty as a lecturer. He became an assistant professor of political science in 1974 and served as acting chairman of the Department of Political Science at IU South Bend during the first semester of 1976-1977 and chairman from 1978 to 1980. Penikis received tenure through IU South Bend in 1978. In 1996, he served as a Fulbright scholar lecturing in comparative politics at the University of Latvia in Riga, Latvia from January to June. Penikis retired from IU South Bend in 1998.