- Lieber Memorial Associate Instructor Award - 1989
Adrian Bailey is a proud holder of a PhD from Indiana University (Geography, 1989 with a Minor in African Population Studies) and has been a member of the Geography Departments at Dartmouth College (1989-1999), University of Leeds (1999-2010) and, since 2010, Hong Kong Baptist University. As a population geographer he continues to be interested in, and critical of studies of transnationalism, through empirical and conceptual contributions to the “transnational turn” that explore the diverse ways in which the state, and governance more generally, affects family life, poverty, and health outcomes among immigrants and refugees. This work has been based on field data from Latin America, North America, Europe, and southern Africa, with a new phase of planned work in Hong Kong.
He is also interested in links between migration, gender, and family, and draws together disparate strands of scholarship across the social sciences to analyse how wellbeing is affected by migration, gender and family. Part of this scholarship has involved debating the term “gendered migration” and legitimising a strategic focus on “family geographies” within and outside human geography. Cutting across disciplines and methodologies has also demanded a rigorous embrace of quantitative (longitudinal modelling, limited dependent variable models, multi-level models) and qualitative tools (social surveys, content analysis), a further pedigree of his hoosier training.