- School of Dentistry Honorary Member Award - 2011
Working primarily with a group of northwest Indiana dentists as a young graduate of Loyola University's dental school, Dr. Richard Altenhof was involved in the pioneering phase of a project that ultimately led to the formation in 1975 of the Indiana University Northwest campus's Dental Hygiene Program. He then devoted more than a decade of service as a part-time instructor on the IUN campus.
This Portage, Ind., practitioner has shown a deep commitment to governmental affairs. He has served since 1982 as a member of the Indiana Dental Association Governmental Affairs Committee, a group he formerly chaired. He and two associates proposed legislation on behalf of the IDA that would require advertisers in the state to identify individuals and organizations that paid for and received benefits from the advertisement. The bill was signed into law, and the legislation served as a model for the formation of legislation in several other states.