- IU Indianapolis Spirit of Philanthropy Award - 2011
The Kresge Foundation is a $3.1 billion private, national foundation that seeks to influence the quality of life for future generations by creating access and opportunity in underserved communities, improving the health of low-income people, supporting artistic expression, increasing college achievement, assisting in the revitalization of Detroit, and advancing methods for dealing with global climate change. The foundation works in six program areas: arts and culture, community development, education, the environment, health, and human services. In 2010, the Board of Trustees approved 481 awards totaling $158 million; $134 million was paid out to grantees over the course of the year.
In 2011, The Kresge Foundation was honored with an IUPUI Spirit of Philanthropy Award in recognition of the Foundation's support of the IU Center on Philanthropy. With grants from the Kresge Foundation, the Center is expanding access to philanthropy education and training through scholarships, making curriculum more accessible by moving it online, advancing and disseminating new knowledge on human services philanthropy and nonprofits, and developing a group of emerging scholars who have the ability to conduct translational research in human services philanthropy.