- President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Technology - 2020
Known for his extensive and ever-evolving instructional skills and innovation with technology in the classroom, Curtis Bonk has served as a model for pedagogical approaches in both online and classroom settings. He received his B.A. in accounting from the University Wisconsin-Whitewater in 1981 and received his M.S. and Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1987 and 1989 respectively. Curtis Bonk joined the Indiana University faculty in 1992 and was a founding member of IU's Center for Research on Learning and Technology (CRLT), which opened in the late 1990s. He is now Professor of Instructional Systems Technology in the IU School of Education.
Bonk leverages teaching and learning technologies to provide cutting-edge, hands-on learning opportunities that are deeply valued by his students. Bonk has written over a dozen books on using technology in online and blended learning (one of those books, “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY,” is free and has been downloaded more than 200,000 times; see Bonk utilizes many of the included 200-plus pedagogical activities in his own classroom. Students gain insights on their own learning style, today's cutting-edge learning technology, and adapting to advances in the learning technology field.
An international expert on emerging technologies for learning, Bonk has given more than 1,700 talks around the globe related to online teaching and learning. He has over 370 publications on topics such as online and blended learning, emerging learning technologies, self-directed learning, motivation, and massive open online courses. In 2009, he served on the Bloomington Campus e-Learning Taskforce to chart a course for the campus to increase online programs and degrees, which later became part of IU Online.
Bonk offers unique insights into the intersection of business, education, psychology, and technology through an expert lens of instructional systems technology. In teaching and training the next generation of instructional designers and online learning leaders as well as preservice and inservice teachers in technology integration in the classroom, Bonk has truly contributed significantly to the enhancement of teaching through the innovative use of technology. He can be contacted at: and his homepage is: